The Beatles

 The Beatles In America

Sep 1963 - The first Beatle to visit America was George Harrison in September 1963. At the time, the Beatles were fairly unknown, and George was visiting his sister, Louise, in Benton, Ill. During his stay, he played with a band called the Four Vests in nearby ...The first Beatle to visit America was George Harrison in September 1963. At the time, the Beatles were fairly unknown, and George was visiting his sister, Louise, in Benton, Ill. During his stay, he played with a band called the Four Vests in nearby Eldorade. The crowd didn't know who he was, but he soon blew them away.

Feb 9, 1964 - The Beatles performed in America for the first time on The Ed Sullivan Show. Beatlemania was. born as Americans snatched up records by the group. The music, clothes, and hairstyles of The Beatles became an obsession, paving the way for ...On February 9, 1964, The Beatles performed in America for the first time on The Ed Sullivan Show. Beatlemania was. born as Americans snatched up records by the group. The music, clothes, and hairstyles of The Beatles became an obsession, paving the way for other English bands to achieve success in America. During this time, rock bands such as The Byrds,The Rolling Stones, and The Animals all found success in the United States. Show more

In 1988 The Beatles were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. They were inducted by Mick Jagger.

In 1994 John Lennnon was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of fame

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